Do you have a dream for yourself? For your future? What is it? Or, do you tell anyone? If you don’t tell anyone, why not? Is it because you’re unsure? Do you think it’s silly or something not to be taken seriously? Or do you think no one would understand it and may make fun of you? I would like to tell you that having a dream for yourself is not for not, meaning there is reason, a grand reason for your dream. If you don’t share it, you should reconsider. Seriously, where do you think dreams come from? The Dreamgiver Himself! There may be those out there that won’t understand, and they may actually make fun of it or you. You may have to have some grace for those people realizing they see life through a different lens than you. But whatever the case, do not let the naysayers decide for you to not go forward with your dream. YOU decide. YOU are in the driver’s seat of your life. For the instance of the others you share your dream with, you may encounter some who will support you, cheer you on, and may even be able to help you on the journey to following your dream. You will never know unless you share. It is worth the sharing, however scary. These are things I have learned personally, and I am still learning. I find the need to be very intentional with my time and where my thoughts go. Being a codependent, I tend to lean into what people say and their opinions which sways my dreams a bit. I have to stay aware of such moments so that I don’t get sidetracked and go down a rabbit hole away from the dreams I have for my future. Perhaps this is you. And it’s ok. We all have things we need to be aware of everyday. It’s that knowing about ourselves and others that is most important. And then responding well to it. I say we can listen with kindness, but live our life with our personal intention and determination. Only when the opinions of others align with our purpose, our dream for ourselves, shall we consider them. We must practice discernment in this area if we are ever to make our dreams happen. Great if we get support from those around us. For those that don’t, let them watch dreams come true in spite of their opinions. What a testimony that is! As for me and my dream(s), I will live each day with intention, grace, and a plan. And I look forward to the day I get to crush the doubts of those that didn’t believe. (Perhaps they just couldn’t believe until they saw.) Here’s to us dreamers. Now go out and conquer. Similar to a Chanel quote, “When you feel (fill in the blank), add lipstick and attack!”
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